Diane von Furstenberg

Diane von Furstenberg

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Tilly floral dress imageDaisy pussy-bow dress imageHarbor ruffles dress imageTwo-tone blend dress imageRed satin wrap dress imageSatin wrap effect dress imageBlack and white midi dress image

What the brand can prove

The brand engages in multiple philanthropic causes in the USA and internationally, such as International Rescue Committee for refugees and The Shed, making creativity and art accessible

Founded 1972, the luxury fashion brand is known for its bold and creative approach to color and print, and admired for its sensual femininity. Not enough evidence that the brand has an extensive sustainable focus. Access it in sustainable ways with rent, pre-owned

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Founded 1972, the luxury fashion brand is known for its bold and creative approach to color and print, and admired for its sensual femininity. Not enough evidence that the brand has an extensive sustainable focus. Access it in sustainable ways with rent, pre-owned